Find Hindi meaning of Haughty. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Haughty" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Haughty" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionarrogantly superior
Hindi Meaning of Haughtyअहंकारी, गुस्ताख़, घमंडी, ढीट, ध्रष्ट, अभिमानी, दम्भी
Synonyms of HaughtyArrogant, Insolent, Overbearing
Antonyms of HaughtyHumble, Meek, Shy

Use of "Haughty" word in sentences, examples

  • But her Evita is more human than haughty, less imperial than she is normally played.
  • As invitations for haughty English scoffing go, Nicola Sturgeon's opening speech at the Scottish National Party conference was irresistible.
  • Evan Rachel Wood and Ed Harris in HBO's Westworld: 'haughty big skies, aching beauty and spitefully small human dreams'.
  • A few latched onto his haughty rhetoric and began to protest establishments like Target that refused to enforce such tyrannical restrictions.
  • It's a man-made concept, very haughty and intellectual, but the end results prove no such thing could be possible." 

Similar words of "Haughty"

Insolentउघत गुस्ताख़, अक्खड़, दम्भी, ढीठ, नटखट, मुँहफट, जिन्दादिल
Overbeatingअहंकारी, उघत, घमण्डी, ढीठ, दबंग, रौबीला, सत्तावादी, अधिकारवादी

Haughty FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Haughty is, अहंकारी, गुस्ताख़, घमंडी, ढीट, ध्रष्ट, अभिमानी, दम्भी.

Similar words for Haughty are Arrogant, Insolent, Overbearing.

The Definition of Haughty is arrogantly superior.

Humble, Meek, Shy, are antonyms of the Haughty word.

Haughty is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3027
  Post Category :  H Letter Words and Meaning