Find Hindi meaning of Hearten. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Hearten" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Hearten" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionmake more cheerful
Hindi Meaning of Heartenसजीव होना, निवांत कर देना, सचेत करना, उत्साह बढ़ाना, हतोत्साहन, ढाढ़स बँधाना
Synonyms of HeartenBuck Up, Cheer, Encourage
Antonyms of HeartenDishearten, Undermine, Obstruct

Use of "Hearten" word in sentences, examples

  • The story goes that a master blender was working in the Glen to find the perfect combination to boost each sip to hear ten pipers.
  • The other book that should hearten thousands of infuriated citizens is Jim Colman's The House That Jack Built; Jack Mundey, green bans hero.
  • Coming as it does in the middle of a global economic recession, the news will further hearten the game's administrators.
  • But there were certainly shoots of recovery embedded in the performance, which will hearten Haveron.
  • That is something that Republicans wanted to hear ten days ago.

Hearten FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Hearten is, सजीव होना, निवांत कर देना, सचेत करना, उत्साह बढ़ाना, हतोत्साहन, ढाढ़स बँधाना.

Similar words for Hearten are Buck Up, Cheer, Encourage.

The Definition of Hearten is make more cheerful.

Dishearten, Undermine, Obstruct, are antonyms of the Hearten word.

Hearten is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2424
  Post Category :  H Letter Words and Meaning