Find Hindi meaning of Implacable. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Implacable" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Implacable" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionunable to be stopped
Hindi Meaning of Implacableअतोष्णीय, कठोर निर्दयी, तंगदिल, कुरूप, खराब, भयानक, भयंकर, सख्त, कठोर
Synonyms of ImplacableAdamant, Grim, Intransigent
Antonyms of ImplacableMerciful, Sunny, Nice

Use of "Implacable" word in sentences, examples

  • Shouts from the audience at the Academy met with implacable silence, only broken at the end when she introduced her band.
  • With the also-new Implacable ability, which grants Rangers a move after a kill, it's rather powerful.
  • Walesa and Havel were burrowing at the foundations of implacable and faceless tyranny.
  • America is in another phase of rebalancing after a difficult war against implacable foes
  • How can the Westerosi combat or call off the implacable White Walkers?

Similar words of "Implacable"

Stubbornअड़ियल, जिद्दी, सख्त, हठी, हठीला, अड़ियल, जकड़ा हुआ, कठोर

Implacable FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Implacable is, अतोष्णीय, कठोर निर्दयी, तंगदिल, कुरूप, खराब, भयानक, भयंकर, सख्त, कठोर.

Similar words for Implacable are Adamant, Grim, Intransigent.

The Definition of Implacable is unable to be stopped.

Merciful, Sunny, Nice, are antonyms of the Implacable word.

Implacable is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2692
  Post Category :  I Letter Words and Meaning