Find Hindi meaning of Knock. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Knock" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Knock" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitiona blow or collision.
Hindi Meaning of Knockदस्तक, कटखटाहट, चोट, टक्कर, ठोकर, कीमत, घटना, काँपना, आलोचना करना, प्रहार करना
Synonyms of KnockCensure, Criticism, Condemnation
Antonyms of KnockCompliment, Praise, Endorsement

Use of "Knock" word in sentences, examples

  • A good knock by Virat Kohli.
  • Congress should knock down the U.S. Olympic Committee
  • Police are looking for two people who knocked on a man's apartment door in southwest Houston and shot him when he answered.
  • Eastside Catholic has shot but can't knock off Lincoln.
  • Raiders to try to knock off three-time champion Royals.

Knock FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Knock is, दस्तक, कटखटाहट, चोट, टक्कर, ठोकर, कीमत, घटना, काँपना, आलोचना करना, प्रहार करना.

Similar words for Knock are Censure, Criticism, Condemnation.

The Definition of Knock is a blow or collision..

Compliment, Praise, Endorsement, are antonyms of the Knock word.

Knock is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3577
  Post Category :  K Letter Words and Meaning