Find Hindi meaning of Lavish. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Lavish" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Lavish" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionbestow something in generous or extravagant quantities on.
Hindi Meaning of Lavishविलासता, अपव्ययी, मुक्तहस्त, उदार
Synonyms of LavishLuxurious, Opulent, Extravagant
Antonyms of LavishEconomical, Scanty, Scarcet

Use of "Lavish" word in sentences, examples

  • When I went on that party it seemed very lavish.
  • The lavish purchase became a point of contention for HUD's former chief administrative officer.
  • The fresh addition is called Lavish Nails Lounge Shepherd.
  • Has This Five-Star Hotel Created The Most Lavish Murder Mystery .
  • Carole Middleton's extremely lavish Mother's Day wish list will make you jealous. 

Similar words of "Lavish"

Extravagantअतिव्ययी, अनावश्यक व्यय, अत्यधिक खर्चीला, अतिवादी
Generousउदार, उपजाऊ, तीक्ष्ण, दयालु, दाता, दानशील, प्रचुर, बहुत, महात्मा, पर्याप्त
Luxuriousविलासपूर्ण, आनन्ददायक, भव्य, शानदार
Miserlyकंजूस, कृपण, मक्खीचूस, लालची, अति लोभी
Opulentकीमती, समर्द्ध, भव्य, शानदार
Palatialआलिशान, भव्य, कान्तिमान, राज योग्य
Parsimoniousअल्पव्ययी,कंजूस, किफायती, कृपण, मितव्ययी, मक्खीचूस
Prodigalफिजूलखर्च, अतिव्यय, खर्चीला, अपवय्यी

Lavish FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Lavish is, विलासता, अपव्ययी, मुक्तहस्त, उदार.

Similar words for Lavish are Luxurious, Opulent, Extravagant.

The Definition of Lavish is bestow something in generous or extravagant quantities on..

Economical, Scanty, Scarcet, are antonyms of the Lavish word.

Lavish is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3699
  Post Category :  L Letter Words and Meaning