Find Hindi meaning of Loafer. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Loafer" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Loafer" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitiona person who avoids work and spends their time idly.
Hindi Meaning of Loaferआवारा, घुमक्कड़, बदमाश, आलसी, कामचोर
Synonyms of LoaferBurn, Drone, Lazybones
Antonyms of LoaferHard Worker, Workaholic, Overachiever

Use of "Loafer" word in sentences, examples

  • Though Rama Rao did not call anyone in the Congress a loafer.
  • The two loafers had Came.
  • They were never exactly to pizza what Gucci was to loafers.
  • A woman speaking rapidly kicked a brownloafer across the floor.

Similar words of "Loafer"

Bumनिकम्मा, लफंगा, घटिया, व्यर्थ समय गंवाना, अपव्ययी, आवारा, बदमाश

Loafer FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Loafer is, आवारा, घुमक्कड़, बदमाश, आलसी, कामचोर.

Similar words for Loafer are Burn, Drone, Lazybones.

The Definition of Loafer is a person who avoids work and spends their time idly..

Hard Worker, Workaholic, Overachiever, are antonyms of the Loafer word.

Loafer is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4511
  Post Category :  L Letter Words and Meaning