Find Hindi meaning of Malign. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Malign" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Malign" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word DefinitionSpeak about someone.
Hindi Meaning of Malignअनिष्टकर, बदनाम निंदा, अपकारी, चुगली, शिकायत करना, कीचड़ उछलना
Synonyms of MalignTraduce, Asperse, Calumniate
Antonyms of MalignPraise, Commend, Eulogize

Use of "Malign" word in sentences, examples

  • Many would argue that the activities of the UM have left a malign legacy.
  • (SAD) of resorting to “false propaganda” to malign former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi's image.
  • Indian government did its best to malign and make Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau feel disgraced by offering a cold shoulder to him.
  • BJP was not leaving any stone unturned to malign the image of the Left Front Government in Tripura.
  • Bhattal's son using gangster to malign his image.

Similar words of "Malign"

Defameमानहानि करना, निंदा करना, कलंकित करना, बदनाम करना, कलंक लगाना, अपवाद करना
Sinisterबुरा, बेईमान, मनहूस, अशुभ, कपटी, कुटिल, डरावना, अपशकुन, अनिष्टकारी

Malign FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Malign is, अनिष्टकर, बदनाम निंदा, अपकारी, चुगली, शिकायत करना, कीचड़ उछलना.

Similar words for Malign are Traduce, Asperse, Calumniate.

The Definition of Malign is Speak about someone..

Praise, Commend, Eulogize, are antonyms of the Malign word.

Malign is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  1926
  Post Category :  M Letter Words and Meaning