Find Hindi meaning of Meager. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Meager" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Meager" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionlacking in quantity or quality.
Hindi Meaning of Meagerअत्यल्प, बहुत कम, छोटा, छरहरा
Synonyms of MeagerScant, Skimpy, Sparse
Antonyms of MeagerPlenty, Substantial, Sufficient

Use of "Meager" word in sentences, examples

  • The protesting bank employees said that it is difficult for them to make both the ends meet on this meager salary.
  • Warm temps and meagersnow hurting water supply outlook “With about half of winter behind us, chances for a full snowpack recovery are low.
  • When we offer up our meager offerings... who knows how much the Lord will accomplish with them.
  • While the increase is not great if you have a steady income every month, for some one who lives on a meager pension.
  • Humanitarian pauses of a few meager hours are no substitute for a sustained cease-fire

Similar words of "Meager"

Ampleविस्तृत, पर्याप्त, प्रचुर, प्राप्त, पर्याप्तता, प्रचुरता, अधिकता, आधिक्य
Bountifulउदार, प्रचुर, पर्याप्त, यथेष्ट, विशाल, वृहत, समृद्ध, ज्यादा
Copiousअधिक, प्राचुत, बहुत, विपुल, ज्यादा, अत्यधिक
Exiguousअत्यल्प, अल्प, थोड़ा-सा, बहुत काम, अभाव, अपर्याप्त, नाम मात्र का, तंगहाली

Meager FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Meager is, अत्यल्प, बहुत कम, छोटा, छरहरा.

Similar words for Meager are Scant, Skimpy, Sparse.

The Definition of Meager is lacking in quantity or quality..

Plenty, Substantial, Sufficient, are antonyms of the Meager word.

Meager is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  5021
  Post Category :  M Letter Words and Meaning