Find Hindi meaning of Mean. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Mean" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Mean" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionintend (something) to occur or be the case.
Hindi Meaning of Meanतातपर्य, कंजूस, लज्ज्ति, अभिप्राय, गरीब, अनुदार
Synonyms of MeanMalevolent, Spiteful, Vicious
Antonyms of MeanAffectionate, Gentle, Dignified

Use of "Mean" word in sentences, examples

  • What does all this snow mean for climate change?
  • What does Purim mean and how is it celebrated?
  • Reforms to China's constitution to remove term limits for the presidency does not mean life-long terms.
  • Deficiencies with Eighth do not mean law should be removed
  • Maybe Weinstein's mother was mean and maybe women were uninterested in him 

Similar words of "Mean"

Baseनीच, अधम, बेकार, कायर, स्वार्थी, खोता, गंभीर, घटिया, छोटा, उद्देश्य, सीमा
Benevolentदयालु, परोपकारी, शिलबंत, शुभचिंतक, सद्भावपूर्ण, हितेषी, भला चाहने वाला
Generousउदार, उपजाऊ, तीक्ष्ण, दयालु, दाता, दानशील, प्रचुर, बहुत, महात्मा, पर्याप्त
Graciousसुन्दर, रूपवान, दयालु, आरामदेह, कृपालु, दयाशील, रमणीय, सौम्य, उम्दा, शालीन, मनमोहक
Ignobleअधम, नीच, हेय, घटिया, निकृष्ट, अनुदार, मध्यम, घिनौना, घ्रणित, नीच
Loftyउच्च, उत्कृष्ट, उघत, ऊँचा, घमण्डी, बड़ा, शानदार, गगनचुम्बी, प्रतापी, श्रेष्ठ
Niggardकंजूस, कृपण, मक्खीचूस, खिड़ा, झुँझलाहर, शिकायत
Sumptuousआलिशान, बहुमूल्य, शानदार, भव्य, विलासी, विषयासक्त, कीमती, आरामदेह
Vulgarगँवारू, ग्रामीण, अशिष्ट, अभद्र, असभ्य, जनसाधारण, देशी

Mean FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Mean is, तातपर्य, कंजूस, लज्ज्ति, अभिप्राय, गरीब, अनुदार.

Similar words for Mean are Malevolent, Spiteful, Vicious.

The Definition of Mean is intend (something) to occur or be the case..

Affectionate, Gentle, Dignified, are antonyms of the Mean word.

Mean is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2919
  Post Category :  M Letter Words and Meaning