Find Hindi meaning of Mirage. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Mirage" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Mirage" and improve your vocabulary.

Word Typenoun
Word Definitionan optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions
Hindi Meaning of Mirageमृगजल, मरीचिका, धोखा, मृगतृष्णा, भुलावा, भ्रान्ति, मिथ्या, झूठ
Synonyms of MirageDelusion, Fantasy, Hallucination
Antonyms of MirageReality, Concreteness, Actuality

Use of "Mirage" word in sentences, examples

  • Matt Ginella reveals places you can play when in the Rancho Mirage, California area for the ANA Inspiration.
  • Spans most of a square mile property known as Section 31 in Rancho Mirage.
  • A former Mirage employee claims embattled casino mogul Steve Wynn sexually assaulted her at the spa during the 1990s
  • The city of Rancho Mirage on Sunday dedicated its new observatory, an attraction that leaders said puts the city in an elite field.
  • Stoically working my way through the mucking out, when about half an hour later, like a mirage.

Similar words of "Mirage"

Delusionआभास, कपट, झांसा, धोखा, भरम, भ्रान्ति, माया, माटी-भरम, मिथ्या, मरीचिका

Mirage FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Mirage is, मृगजल, मरीचिका, धोखा, मृगतृष्णा, भुलावा, भ्रान्ति, मिथ्या, झूठ.

Similar words for Mirage are Delusion, Fantasy, Hallucination.

The Definition of Mirage is an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions.

Reality, Concreteness, Actuality, are antonyms of the Mirage word.

Mirage is a noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4833
  Post Category :  M Letter Words and Meaning