Find Hindi meaning of Mulish. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Mulish" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Mulish" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionresembling or likened to a mule in being stubborn.
Hindi Meaning of Mulishअड़ियल, जिद्दी, हठीला, कठोर, पथभृष्ट, विकृत
Synonyms of MulishDogged, Bullheaded, Obstinate
Antonyms of MulishWilling, Yielding, Amenable

Use of "Mulish" word in sentences, examples

  • Who has become the willing poster boy for the mulish and irrational opposition to congestion pricing.
  • Green remembers responding with some sort of instinctive, mulish refusal
  • If you do manage to convince your mulish wife, she is sure to drive a deeper wedge, physical and psychological, between the children and you.
  • However, PIB faction lost the battle just because of Farooq Sattar mulish attitude. 
  • The mulish refusal of the EU negotiators to offer any kind of reciprocal compromises threatens to take us into Brexit extra time.

Similar words of "Mulish"

Doggedहठी, जिद्दी, अटल, अडिग, स्थायी, अनवरत, निरन्तर, संलग्नशील, इच्छुक
Headstrongकष्टदायी, हठी, हठीला, जिद्दी, अड़ियल, दुराग्रही, सुविचारित उदण्ड, स्वेछाचारी
Pertinaciousजिद्दी हठी, प्रतिज्ञ, कड़ा, कठोर, अनवरत, स्थायी, अडिग, अविचल
Tenaciousआग्रही, कठिन, कठोर, चपचिपा, संलगनशील, हठी, अटल, अडिग

Mulish FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Mulish is, अड़ियल, जिद्दी, हठीला, कठोर, पथभृष्ट, विकृत.

Similar words for Mulish are Dogged, Bullheaded, Obstinate.

The Definition of Mulish is resembling or likened to a mule in being stubborn..

Willing, Yielding, Amenable, are antonyms of the Mulish word.

Mulish is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3552
  Post Category :  M Letter Words and Meaning