Find Hindi meaning of Nervous. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Nervous" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Nervous" and improve your vocabulary.

Word Typeadjective
Word Definitioneasily agitated or alarmed.
Hindi Meaning of Nervousचिन्तित, धैर्यहीन, बेचैन, भयभीत, अशांत, तनाव
Synonyms of NervousAgitated, Anxious, Concerned
Antonyms of NervousCalm, Content, Unconcerned

Use of "Nervous" word in sentences, examples

  • “As a hitter I was never really nervous on opening day,”.
  • The selloff in tech stocks is making a group of usually bullish short-term investors nervous.
  • Dairy farmers nervous about changes to healthy eating advice.
  • Selena is a little bit nervous about Abel's album coming out tomorrow,”
  • As the Opening Day matchup with the Tampa Bay Rays loomed, Cora wasn't nervous at all.

Similar words of "Nervous"

Jitteryआशंकित, घबराया हुआ, हैरान, तनावग्रस्त, अतिसंवेदनशील, व्यग्र, विकल, चिड़चडा
Unflappableशांत, अविचलित, निर्विकार, प्रकृतिस्थ, असम्बद्ध, तटस्थ, निलिप्त, असंलग्न
Unruffledशांत, स्थिर, अक्षुब्ध, बे-हरकत, सन्तोषी, स्वस्थ, कोमल, गंभीर, नरम, मुलायम

Nervous FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Nervous is, चिन्तित, धैर्यहीन, बेचैन, भयभीत, अशांत, तनाव.

Similar words for Nervous are Agitated, Anxious, Concerned.

The Definition of Nervous is easily agitated or alarmed..

Calm, Content, Unconcerned, are antonyms of the Nervous word.

Nervous is a adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4723
  Post Category :  N Letter Words and Meaning