Find Hindi meaning of Nurture. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Nurture" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Nurture" and improve your vocabulary.

Word Typenoun
Word Definitionthe action or process of nurturing someone
Hindi Meaning of Nurtureपोषण, परवरिश, शिक्षण, तालीम
Synonyms of NurtureCultivate, Foster, Nourish
Antonyms of NurtureDeprive, Ignore, Neglect

Use of "Nurture" word in sentences, examples

  • Comedy 'Birthmarked' puts nurture versus nature to the test
  • The research also suggests that the nature-or-nurture debate is a false dichotomy.
  • A Japanese government panel has drafted a plan to identify and nurture experts who can promote the country's culture
  • One example is we have Search Nurture Academy, which is designed to train new employees and help companies staff in house marketing teams.
  • Google wants to actively work with the community to foster and nurture the ecosystem

Nurture FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Nurture is, पोषण, परवरिश, शिक्षण, तालीम.

Similar words for Nurture are Cultivate, Foster, Nourish.

The Definition of Nurture is the action or process of nurturing someone.

Deprive, Ignore, Neglect, are antonyms of the Nurture word.

Nurture is a noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  5166
  Post Category :  N Letter Words and Meaning