Find Hindi meaning of Obedient. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Obedient" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Obedient" and improve your vocabulary.

Word Typeadjective
Word Definitioncomplying or willing to comply with an order or request
Hindi Meaning of Obedientआज्ञाकारी, विनर्म, सहज, नम्य
Synonyms of ObedientAmenable, Compliant, Conformable
Antonyms of ObedientInsolent, Mutinous, Insolen

Use of "Obedient" word in sentences, examples

  • Make the decision to be obedient to God.
  • The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion
  • Shah Rukh makes me feel so comfortable and makes you feel like he is the most obedient actor you have ever worked with.
  • Joel transforms bad behaving mutts into obedient pets.
  • Faith is a wide biblical theme and for us to get to its root, let us examine the obedience of Jesus Christ. By Erasmus Makarimayi.

Similar words of "Obedient"

Amenableआज्ञाकारी, अधीन, विन्रम, वश्य, वशवर्ती, उत्तरदायी, जिम्मेदार, जवाबदेह, अधीन
Incorrigibleअसुधार्य, सुधारातीत, असाध्य, निरुपाय, पक्का
Insurgentद्रोही, बागी, विद्रोह, विपलोवी, राजद्रोही, विरोधी
Recalcitrantउद्दंड, दुर्दम्य, हठी, अड़ियल, जिद्दी, सख्त, खूंखार, जंगली, प्रतिकूल, विमुख
Refractoryदुर्दम्य, झगड़ालू, उड्डण्ड, चिचिड़ा, बेलगाम, उपद्रवी, मुंहजोर
Unrulyमुँहजोर, हुड़दंगी, अवश्य, उद्दण्ड, उपद्रवी, वेलगाम, अविधि, धर्मविरुद्ध

Obedient FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Obedient is, आज्ञाकारी, विनर्म, सहज, नम्य.

Similar words for Obedient are Amenable, Compliant, Conformable.

The Definition of Obedient is complying or willing to comply with an order or request.

Insolent, Mutinous, Insolen, are antonyms of the Obedient word.

Obedient is a adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  7910
  Post Category :  O Letter Words and Meaning