Find Hindi meaning of Obstacle. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Obstacle" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Obstacle" and improve your vocabulary.

Word Typenoun
Word Definitiona thing that blocks one's way
Hindi Meaning of Obstacleबाधा, विघ्न, अवरोध, रूकावट, अड़चन
Synonyms of ObstacleBan, Clog, Hurdle
Antonyms of ObstacleAssistance, Clearance, Opening

Use of "Obstacle" word in sentences, examples

  • College of Humanities and Social Sciences, set up an obstacle course for people to try on during CHaSS Week
  • Geopolitical upheaval poses a unique obstacle for the Fed
  • The community of Oroville is going to have an opportunity to try obstacles just like the hit TV show America Ninja Warrior
  • Of an inflatable obstacle course that's more than twice the length of a football pitch? 
  • The rise in informal sector jobs in Brazil's labor market has become an obstacle when it comes to getting the economy back on track

Obstacle FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Obstacle is, बाधा, विघ्न, अवरोध, रूकावट, अड़चन.

Similar words for Obstacle are Ban, Clog, Hurdle.

The Definition of Obstacle is a thing that blocks one's way.

Assistance, Clearance, Opening, are antonyms of the Obstacle word.

Obstacle is a noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2906
  Post Category :  O Letter Words and Meaning