Find Hindi meaning of Pithy. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Pithy" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Pithy" and improve your vocabulary.

Word Typeadjective
Word Definitioncontaining much pith.
Hindi Meaning of Pithyगुदाद्वार, जोरदार, बलवान, संक्षिप्त, सारगर्भित, स्पष्ट, खरा, उत्तम, लघुपद, सुन्दर
Synonyms of PithyPrecise, Terse, Compact
Antonyms of PithyVerbose, Wordy, Loose

Use of "Pithy" word in sentences, examples

  • Einstein's long career filled with the pithy quotes of a skeptic!
  • We are lucky that Einstein left a rich legacy of pithy quotes that reveal how he would probably relate to today's cult of global warming alarmists.
  • Then there were a few pithy welcoming speeches, a Canadian athlete was daubed with ochre
  • A pithy affair with the avant-garde
  • Here are some pithy Bolton-isms that are clear-eyed and have the advantage of being right.

Pithy FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Pithy is, गुदाद्वार, जोरदार, बलवान, संक्षिप्त, सारगर्भित, स्पष्ट, खरा, उत्तम, लघुपद, सुन्दर.

Similar words for Pithy are Precise, Terse, Compact.

The Definition of Pithy is containing much pith..

Verbose, Wordy, Loose, are antonyms of the Pithy word.

Pithy is a adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2835
  Post Category :  P Letter Words and Meaning