Find Hindi meaning of Quench. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Quench" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Quench" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionsatisfy someone's thirst by drinking.
Hindi Meaning of Quenchनष्ट करना, शांत करना, ठंडा करना, बुझाना, कुचलना, दबाना, दमन करना
Synonyms of QuenchDouse, Choke, Gag
Antonyms of QuenchSet, Release, Free

Use of "Quench" word in sentences, examples

  • Rayalaseema has enough water to quench its summer thirst
  • Saucer pits to quench thirst of wild animals
  • The forest department has dug many water ponds to quenchthe thirst of animals in Chintoor range forest area in connection with summer season. 
  • Ponds set up to quench thirst of wild animals
  • Enlist Nature's Help To Quench World's Growing Thirst

Similar words of "Quench"

Extinguishबुझाना, समाप्त करना, मिटा देना, नष्ट करना, मंद पड़ जाना
Igniteजलना, जलाना, सुलगना, सुलगाना, आग लगना, आग लगाना, प्रज्ज्वलित, तीक्ष्ण

Quench FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Quench is, नष्ट करना, शांत करना, ठंडा करना, बुझाना, कुचलना, दबाना, दमन करना.

Similar words for Quench are Douse, Choke, Gag.

The Definition of Quench is satisfy someone's thirst by drinking..

Set, Release, Free, are antonyms of the Quench word.

Quench is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3035
  Post Category :  Q Letter Words and Meaning