Find Hindi meaning of Quibble. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Quibble" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Quibble" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitiona slight objection or criticism.
Hindi Meaning of Quibbleटाल-मटोल, बहाना, घमंड, हिल-हवाला, अनुचित बहाना करना, जुगत लगाना, बात बनाना
Synonyms of QuibbleNiggle, Spat, Squabble
Antonyms of QuibbleApprove, Concur, Agree

Use of "Quibble" word in sentences, examples

  • Let's not quibble, this speech was a relaunch
  • If you want to quibble, he was out of position on Morata's goal. 
  • Who wants to quibble when Davinson's speed and positioning was good enough to cut out a number of promising Chelsea attacks on the break?
  • I didn't see any negatives in the season opener, just quibbles, such as Dee Gordon getting a late jump on a pop-up that resulted in Cleveland's only run.
  • As a woman who is regularly asked to appear on the Beeb, how could I possibly quibble with that?

Quibble FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Quibble is, टाल-मटोल, बहाना, घमंड, हिल-हवाला, अनुचित बहाना करना, जुगत लगाना, बात बनाना.

Similar words for Quibble are Niggle, Spat, Squabble.

The Definition of Quibble is a slight objection or criticism..

Approve, Concur, Agree, are antonyms of the Quibble word.

Quibble is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2876
  Post Category :  Q Letter Words and Meaning