Find Hindi meaning of Quiescent. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Quiescent" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Quiescent" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionin a state or period of inactivity
Hindi Meaning of Quiescentअप्रकट, अव्यक्त, निश्छल, निष्क्रिय, शांत, सुप्त, गतिहीन, जड़, अक्रिय, सुस्त
Synonyms of QuiescentAbeyant, Dormant, Inactive
Antonyms of QuiescentActive, Progressive, Operative

Use of "Quiescent" word in sentences, examples

  • While male germ cells undergo a quiescent state before the initiation of spermatogenesis
  • Step-down converters offer the industry's lowest quiescent current
  • With adults quiescent, teens must protest gun violence
  • Benoît Arcangioli's team at the Institut Pasteur has shown that the DNA of quiescent cells also acquires mutations
  • We were surprised by this finding because resting, or quiescent, neural stem cells have been thought to be a really pristine cell type just waiting for activation

Similar words of "Quiescent"

Dormantसुसुप्त, सुप्त, सुस्त, अक्रिय, अचर, आलसी, गतिहीन, जड़, निरुद्धम्, प्रभावहीन

Quiescent FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Quiescent is, अप्रकट, अव्यक्त, निश्छल, निष्क्रिय, शांत, सुप्त, गतिहीन, जड़, अक्रिय, सुस्त.

Similar words for Quiescent are Abeyant, Dormant, Inactive.

The Definition of Quiescent is in a state or period of inactivity.

Active, Progressive, Operative, are antonyms of the Quiescent word.

Quiescent is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  5684
  Post Category :  Q Letter Words and Meaning