Find Hindi meaning of Redoubtable. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Redoubtable" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Redoubtable" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionformidable as an opponent
Hindi Meaning of Redoubtableदुर्जय, विकत, दहला देने वाला,घटिया, डरावना, भवः, निराश, संत्रास, मन तोडना
Synonyms of RedoubtableAppalling, Direful, Scary
Antonyms of RedoubtableComforting, Soothing, Unremarkable

Use of "Redoubtable" word in sentences, examples

  • He's keeping the streak going with Redoubtable, his ode to Jean-Luc Godard's “radical period” in the late 1960s
  • The first novel, Sibanda and the Rainbird, featuring the redoubtable Detective Inspector Jabulani Sibanda, was published in 2013
  • Michel Hazanavicius's Redoubtable is a reasonably funny, moderately interesting movie, wearing its sprightly colourful pastiche like dry-cleaned retro couture.
  • Since Durban, Australia's high-profile attack, bar the redoubtable Pat Cummins, has succumbed.
  • Even the redoubtable maverick Subramanian Swamy had moved court seeking a ban on EVMs.

Redoubtable FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Redoubtable is, दुर्जय, विकत, दहला देने वाला,घटिया, डरावना, भवः, निराश, संत्रास, मन तोडना.

Similar words for Redoubtable are Appalling, Direful, Scary.

The Definition of Redoubtable is formidable as an opponent.

Comforting, Soothing, Unremarkable, are antonyms of the Redoubtable word.

Redoubtable is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2851
  Post Category :  R Letter Words and Meaning