Find Hindi meaning of Redress. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Redress" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Redress" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionremedy or set right
Hindi Meaning of Redressदुरुस्ती, अन्याय का परिकार करना, मरम्मत करना, उपाय करना, सुधारना, बना देना
Synonyms of RedressAmend, Rectify, Reform
Antonyms of RedressAccuse, Damage, Punish

Use of "Redress" word in sentences, examples

  • If the rules were to expand the eligibility for redress under the redress scheme beyond Australian citizens.
  • JCB targets women engineers in bid to redress gender pay gap
  • Cannabis law offers redress for past prosecution
  • Metuh in a statement issued on Saturday in Abuja said he had also asked his lawyer to take appropriate steps for redress.
  • AIB accused of concocting 7.9% tracker rate to suit redress aims

Similar words of "Redress"

Atoneप्रायश्चित, क्षतिपूर्ति करना, संतुष्ट करना, पश्चाताप करना, अफ़सोस करना, खेद होना, पछताना
Rectifyसुधारना, परिशोधित, करना, सन्मार्ग पर लाना

Redress FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Redress is, दुरुस्ती, अन्याय का परिकार करना, मरम्मत करना, उपाय करना, सुधारना, बना देना.

Similar words for Redress are Amend, Rectify, Reform.

The Definition of Redress is remedy or set right.

Accuse, Damage, Punish, are antonyms of the Redress word.

Redress is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2887
  Post Category :  R Letter Words and Meaning