Find Hindi meaning of Repress. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Repress" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Repress" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionsubdue someone by force
Hindi Meaning of Repressरोकना, मना करना,, कुचल देना, दमन करना, याचना दबाना, साँस दबाना, गला घोटना
Synonyms of RepressChoke, Gag, Block
Antonyms of RepressPermit, Allow, Let Go

Use of "Repress" word in sentences, examples

  • American Jews, cannot repress the image of a white Jewish state consigning black African migrants to an uncertain future.
  • Perhaps repressed guilt for our behavior makes some think that others want to retaliate
  • Bolivian President Evo Morales also denounced U.S. complicity with Israel to repressprotests against the decision of President Donald Trump
  • China "has repeatedly manipulated the media and so-called 'Internet users' to threaten and repress Taiwan's government and people
  • Pakistan's foreign office declared India used “pellet guns” and suspended internet services to “further repress” people in the region.

Similar words of "Repress"

Elicitप्रकट करना, फल निकलना, खींचना, निकालना, प्राप्त करना, वृद्धि करना
Emitछोड़ना, देना, निकालना, प्रकट करना, गायब होना, समाप्त होना, कुम्हलाना, ढीला करना
Impelठेलना, धकेलना, ठेलना, आगे बढ़ाना, उकसाना, प्रेरित करना, अग्रसर करना
Inciteउकसाना, उठाना, उभारना, भड़काना, उत्तेजित करना, प्रेरित करना, प्रवृत्त करना, परिचालित करना
Prodधक्का, अंकुश, उकसाहट, प्रेरित करना, कोंचना, खोदना, ठेलना, धकेलना
Stifleदबाना, बुझाना, मारना, गला, घोंटना, दाबकर रखना, आग बुझाना, निर्जीव करना

Repress FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Repress is, रोकना, मना करना,, कुचल देना, दमन करना, याचना दबाना, साँस दबाना, गला घोटना.

Similar words for Repress are Choke, Gag, Block.

The Definition of Repress is subdue someone by force.

Permit, Allow, Let Go , are antonyms of the Repress word.

Repress is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2261
  Post Category :  R Letter Words and Meaning