Find Hindi meaning of Repugnance. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Repugnance" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Repugnance" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitionintense disgust.
Hindi Meaning of Repugnanceअरुचि, असंगति, घृणा, प्रतिकूलता, विरुद्धता, विरोध, डर, त्रास, भी, दहशत
Synonyms of RepugnanceAbhorrence, Abomination, Antipathy
Antonyms of RepugnanceEsteem, Regard, Appreciation

Use of "Repugnance" word in sentences, examples

  • We'll dissect the “repugnance” some people associate with the humans-first ideology in a moment
  • A number of church leaders expressed their repugnance for the social-media
  • This article explores issues of altruism, repugnance, paternalism, marketability, exploitation, and assumptions of the moral inviolability of motherhood
  • A universal repugnance at the 9/11 attacks led to a war on Afghanistan, which continues to this day, while terrorism has spread across the globe.
  • Despite his repeated threats of war and repugnance at the idea of engaging in diplomacy with the North Korean regime

Repugnance FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Repugnance is, अरुचि, असंगति, घृणा, प्रतिकूलता, विरुद्धता, विरोध, डर, त्रास, भी, दहशत.

Similar words for Repugnance are Abhorrence, Abomination, Antipathy.

The Definition of Repugnance is intense disgust..

Esteem, Regard, Appreciation, are antonyms of the Repugnance word.

Repugnance is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  1815
  Post Category :  R Letter Words and Meaning