Find Hindi meaning of Righteous. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Righteous" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Righteous" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionmorally right or justifiable.
Hindi Meaning of Righteousन्यायसंगत, सच्चा, सदाचारी, साधु, ईमानदारी, धार्मिक, नेक, सरल, सीधा
Synonyms of RighteousHonorable, Incorruptible, Upright
Antonyms of RighteousCorrupt, Unfair, Immoral

Use of "Righteous" word in sentences, examples

  • Nebraska State Fair announced today that The Righteous Brothers, Bill Medley and Bucky Heard
  • 20 righteous Reaper power tips
  • Michael Vaughan slams 'self-righteous' and 'abusive' Australia
  • Why the President is righteous and those against him are wicked.
  • Blue-eyed soul pioneers” the Righteous Brothers will bring their hits to Casper on May 12

Similar words of "Righteous"

Miscreantकुकर्मी, दुरात्मा, नास्तिक, बदमाश, खलनायक, आवारा, शरारती, दृष्ट
Sanctimoniousपाखंडी, धूर्त, बगुला भगत, धर्म प्रयाण, दिखावटी, सतही, असभ्य
Wantonव्यभिचारी, लम्पट, अकारण, अनियंत्रित, अवर, चंचल, ढीठ, निर्दयतापूर्ण व्यवहार

Righteous FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Righteous is, न्यायसंगत, सच्चा, सदाचारी, साधु, ईमानदारी, धार्मिक, नेक, सरल, सीधा.

Similar words for Righteous are Honorable, Incorruptible, Upright.

The Definition of Righteous is morally right or justifiable..

Corrupt, Unfair, Immoral, are antonyms of the Righteous word.

Righteous is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4755
  Post Category :  R Letter Words and Meaning