Find Hindi meaning of Sardonic. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Sardonic" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Sardonic" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitiongrimly mocking or cynical.
Hindi Meaning of Sardonicउपहासपूर्ण, नकली, बनावटी, हंसी अवज्ञापूर्ण, निरदारपूर्ण, उपेक्षापूर्ण, व्यंगात्मक
Synonyms of SardonicCynic, Ironic, Wry
Antonyms of SardonicGenial, Considerate, Deterential

Use of "Sardonic" word in sentences, examples

  • The track is a sardonic paean to embracing apathy, sung by Brownstein over chintzy, sugary pop music.
  • One will find instances of his sardonic humor in all of his films.
  • He is best known for either their joie de vivre or sardonic approach to life
  • He's the deadbeat, emotionally arrested dad, always locked and loaded with a sardonic aside.
  • Sentimental and mournful, sardonic and surreal, Jack Ladder brings that towering and tender baritone to bear on tales of beauty, love, hope and redemption. 

Similar words of "Sardonic"

Cynicalचिड़चिड़ापन, दोषदर्षी, स्वार्थी, कुटिल, रुखा
Ironicव्यंगपूर्ण, ताना, कटाक्षपूर्ण, ऐंठा हुआ, घुमा-फिराकर कहना
Wryटेड़ा, व्यंगपूर्ण, मरोड़ा हुआ, उल्टा, ऐंठा

Sardonic FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Sardonic is, उपहासपूर्ण, नकली, बनावटी, हंसी अवज्ञापूर्ण, निरदारपूर्ण, उपेक्षापूर्ण, व्यंगात्मक.

Similar words for Sardonic are Cynic, Ironic, Wry.

The Definition of Sardonic is grimly mocking or cynical..

Genial, Considerate, Deterential, are antonyms of the Sardonic word.

Sardonic is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3224
  Post Category :  S Letter Words and Meaning