Find Hindi meaning of Sympathetic. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Sympathetic" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Sympathetic" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionfeeling, showing, or expressing sympathy.
Hindi Meaning of Sympatheticदयालू, संवेदी, समदुःखी, सहानुभूति, अनुकम्पी, आसानी से पसन्द आने वाला
Synonyms of SympatheticEmpatloetic, Compassionate, Condolatory
Antonyms of SympatheticCallous, Merciless, Uncaririg

Use of "Sympathetic" word in sentences, examples

  • Veterans and those sympathetic being targeted in 2 ways
  • When I initially spoke, and then wrote, to the car park authorities they were not at all sympathetic or understanding of the situation.
  • Sympathetic Coverage for Austin Bomber Mark Conditt
  • With 228 years of history behind us, it was essential that the re-brand was sympathetic to our history whilst modernising the brand for future generations.
  • Varun Dhawan sympathetic of Australian cricketer Steve Smith

Similar words of "Sympathetic"

Callousबेदर्द, संवेदनशील, निर्दयी, बरखा, कठिन, कठोर
Draconianकठोर, क्रूर, निष्ठुर, निर्दयी, पशुतुल्य, बर्बर, असभ्य, नृशंस, पाशविक
Indifferentअपक्षपाती, उदासी, घटिया, निरुत्सक, निष्पक्ष, मामूली, विरक्त, साधारण, बेरुख
Relentlessकरुणरहित, दयशून्य, अनवरत, कठोर, निर्दयी, निर्मम, अटल, वज्र
Ruthlessनिर्दयी, निष्ठुर, क्रूर, कर्णशून्य

Sympathetic FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Sympathetic is, दयालू, संवेदी, समदुःखी, सहानुभूति, अनुकम्पी, आसानी से पसन्द आने वाला.

Similar words for Sympathetic are Empatloetic, Compassionate, Condolatory.

The Definition of Sympathetic is feeling, showing, or expressing sympathy..

Callous, Merciless, Uncaririg, are antonyms of the Sympathetic word.

Sympathetic is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2673
  Post Category :  S Letter Words and Meaning