Find Hindi meaning of Tantalize. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Tantalize" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Tantalize" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionexcite the senses or desires of someone
Hindi Meaning of Tantalizeतरसाना, प्रलोभन, परेशान, आकर्षित करना, चारा लगाना, सताना, लोभ, लालच
Synonyms of TantalizeBait, Tease, Annoy
Antonyms of TantalizeDisenchant, Repulse, Turn Off

Use of "Tantalize" word in sentences, examples

  • California's capital Sacramento, expanding their foodie empire with imported seasonings and all authentic recipes to tantalize your taste buds.
  • Teams used the best of Colorado beef, lamb, vegetables, wheat and eggs to tantalize the taste buds of hundreds of hungry Capitol regulars and visitors.
  • Sweater Weather imperial milk stout will tantalize taste buds
  • Officers were called at around 3.30am on February 25 to Club Tantalize on Barrack Square
  • Towers, and enough budgetary savings to tantalize the most fiscally conservative of producers.

Tantalize FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Tantalize is, तरसाना, प्रलोभन, परेशान, आकर्षित करना, चारा लगाना, सताना, लोभ, लालच.

Similar words for Tantalize are Bait, Tease, Annoy.

The Definition of Tantalize is excite the senses or desires of someone.

Disenchant, Repulse, Turn Off, are antonyms of the Tantalize word.

Tantalize is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3100
  Post Category :  T Letter Words and Meaning