Find Hindi meaning of Unearth. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Unearth" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Unearth" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionfind something in the ground by digging.
Hindi Meaning of Unearthअचानक पाना, खोदना, पता लगाना, धरती से निकलना, पता लगाना, सुराग हासिल करना
Synonyms of UnearthDig, Uncover, Ferret
Antonyms of UnearthBury, Conceal, Hide

Use of "Unearth" word in sentences, examples

  • Chicago school construction could unearth human remains
  • Unearth the ancient Maya civilization at the Milwaukee Public Museum
  • They unearthed evidence that he had accepted bribes.
  • An old document was unearthed from the files.
  • At an estate sale, I was able to unearth some dresses from the 1920s that had been hidden in an old trunk.

Unearth FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Unearth is, अचानक पाना, खोदना, पता लगाना, धरती से निकलना, पता लगाना, सुराग हासिल करना.

Similar words for Unearth are Dig, Uncover, Ferret.

The Definition of Unearth is find something in the ground by digging..

Bury, Conceal, Hide, are antonyms of the Unearth word.

Unearth is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2263
  Post Category :  U Letter Words and Meaning