Find Hindi meaning of Upright. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Upright" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Upright" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definition sitting or standing with the back straight.
Hindi Meaning of Uprightधार्मिक, सरल, सीधा, ईमानदार, खरा, खड़ा, सीधे, स्तम्भ, लंबवत
Synonyms of UprightPerpendicular, Honest, Incorruptible
Antonyms of UprightFallen, Corrupt, Dishonest

Use of "Upright" word in sentences, examples

  • Boasting the title of the industry's only step-to-open Upright Freezer and All Refrigerator
  • A couple dozen steps. Two fistfuls of tomatoes. A perfectly upright posture.
  • Bissell's super-popular Bagless Upright Vacuum is on sale for just $60 right now.
  • They don't serve the genever, but Upright brewer Alex Ganum has been making a taproom-only Kopstootje
  • Evie Rust-Dilnot, six, cannot sit down unsupported due to her condition and needs a specialist seat, called a P Pod, to help keep her upright and comfortable

Similar words of "Upright"

Elusiveपरिहारकारी, निवारणकर्ता, भ्रान्तिजनक, चालाक, दुष्प्राप्त, दुर्ग्राहा भटकाने वाला
Noisomeबहुत गन्दा, बदबूदार, दुर्गन्धयुक्त, घणिक, मलिन, बहुत खराब, नियमोल्लंघन
Obsceneअशुभ, अश्लील, घिनौना, निर्लज्ज, घृणित, बेहिसाब, मनहूस, घृणास्पद
Rakishबांका, तेज़, स्वच्छ, फुर्तीला, साफ़-सुथरा, व्यभिचारी, आवारा, लम्पट, विलासी
Righteousन्यायसंगत, सच्चा, सदाचारी, साधु, ईमानदारी, धार्मिक, नेक, सरल, सीधा
Scurrilousअभद्र, अपमानजनक, फूहड़, बदजुबान, बद्तमीज
Stealthyगुप्त, छिपकर आने वाला, चोरी से किया गया काम, जाली, छलपूर्ण, प्रछन्न, अव्यक्त

Upright FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Upright is, धार्मिक, सरल, सीधा, ईमानदार, खरा, खड़ा, सीधे, स्तम्भ, लंबवत.

Similar words for Upright are Perpendicular, Honest, Incorruptible.

The Definition of Upright is  sitting or standing with the back straight..

Fallen, Corrupt, Dishonest, are antonyms of the Upright word.

Upright is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  5660
  Post Category :  U Letter Words and Meaning