Find Hindi meaning of Void. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Void" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Void" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionnot valid or legally binding.
Hindi Meaning of Voidरिक्ति, शून्य स्थान, रहित, लुप्त, आसार, निष्प्रभावी करना, निरस्त करना
Synonyms of VoidEmpty, Vacant, Vacuous
Antonyms of VoidFull, Occupied, Overflowing

Use of "Void" word in sentences, examples

  • Moody confident Hales can fill Warner void
  • Waikiki's Wisp aims to fill Rumours void on Friday nights
  • Ypsilanti-area mother of four's deportation leaves void for family
  • LA Gladiators Sign Flex-Tank Void to Overwatch League Roster
  • In a rare-book repository, a void that chills

Similar words of "Void"

Annulरदद करना, उठा देना, निष्फल करना, निरस्त करना, अमान्य घोषित करना
Hiatusअंतराल, क्रमभंग, विछेद, मध्यकाल, अंतरिम, अवधि, मतभेद, दरार, रंध्र
Vacantरिक्त, खाली, शून्य, निर्जीव, काहिल, सुस्त, निर्भाव

Void FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Void is, रिक्ति, शून्य स्थान, रहित, लुप्त, आसार, निष्प्रभावी करना, निरस्त करना.

Similar words for Void are Empty, Vacant, Vacuous.

The Definition of Void is not valid or legally binding..

Full, Occupied, Overflowing, are antonyms of the Void word.

Void is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3453
  Post Category :  V Letter Words and Meaning