Find Hindi meaning of Wacky. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Wacky" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Wacky" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionfunny or amusing in a slightly odd
Hindi Meaning of Wackyपागल, हास्यपद, विसंगत, अनगर्ल, अनर्थक, निरर्थक, बेतुका, बेढंगा
Synonyms of WackyAbsurd, Idiotic, Imbecilic
Antonyms of WackyRational, Sane, Balanced

Use of "Wacky" word in sentences, examples

  • Can you tell the wacky indie song title from the fakes?
  • Recap the weird, wacky and bizarre moments from the Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony.
  • Wacky events are good business
  • Peter Pan battles Dr Frankenstein as wacky races return
  • I always say, 'Once I hit 70, it's going to be all caftans and turbans and big wackyglasses.

Wacky FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Wacky is, पागल, हास्यपद, विसंगत, अनगर्ल, अनर्थक, निरर्थक, बेतुका, बेढंगा.

Similar words for Wacky are Absurd, Idiotic, Imbecilic.

The Definition of Wacky is funny or amusing in a slightly odd.

Rational, Sane, Balanced, are antonyms of the Wacky word.

Wacky is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3114
  Post Category :  W Letter Words and Meaning