Find Hindi meaning of Weaken. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Weaken" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Weaken" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionmake or become weaker in power
Hindi Meaning of Weakenकमजोर कर देना, निर्बल कर देना, पतला कर देना, काम कर देना या हो जाना
Synonyms of WeakenDecline, Degenerate, Fade
Antonyms of WeakenStrengthen, Boost, Build

Use of "Weaken" word in sentences, examples

  • Their trade associations have aggressively lobbied to weaken the fuel-economy standards set in 2012.
  • Index that tracks the 100 most widely held U.S. loans, as overall secondary loan prices weaken.
  • Holding of the Operation Olive Branch didn't weaken the fight against the “Islamic State” 
  • That shouldn't weaken demand for advanced high-strength
  • In the latest advice by the Bureau of Meteorology the cyclone is east southeast further away from the coast, where it's expected to further weaken tonight.

Similar words of "Weaken"

Buttressआश्रय, पुश्ता, सहारण, समर्थन, मजबूत बनाना, पुष्टि करना, प्रामाणिक करना
Enervateकमजोर बनाना, प्रभावशून्य, बलहीन बनाना, ढीला बनाना
Escalateबढ़ाना, तेज़ करना, प्रचण्ड होना, ज्यादा करना, सशक्त बनाना, ऊँचा उठाना
Fortifyसशक्त बनाना, मजबूत करना, पुष्ट करना, किलाबंदी करना, घेरना, बांधना, लपेटना
Intensifyप्रचण्ड होना, तेज़ करना, ज्यादा करना, बड़ा देना, भड़का देना, सशक्त करना
Upholdजारी करना, समर्थन करना, अनुमोदन करना, सहायता करना, उठाना, थामना, पुष्टि करना

Weaken FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Weaken is, कमजोर कर देना, निर्बल कर देना, पतला कर देना, काम कर देना या हो जाना.

Similar words for Weaken are Decline, Degenerate, Fade.

The Definition of Weaken is make or become weaker in power.

Strengthen, Boost, Build, are antonyms of the Weaken word.

Weaken is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  1896
  Post Category :  W Letter Words and Meaning