Find Hindi meaning of Weary. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Weary" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Weary" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionfeeling or showing extreme tiredness
Hindi Meaning of Wearyउबाऊ, घबराया, थका, थकाऊ, सुस्त, हार, उकता देना, ठकाना, उदास, निर्जन
Synonyms of WearyDrained, Exhausted, Worn-Out
Antonyms of WearyActivated, Energetic, Lively

Use of "Weary" word in sentences, examples

  • An oasis off the highway for weary truck drivers in UAE.
  • I asked for in a roundabout way because I was too weary of rejection to ask for a tryout.
  • UCF's Bernstein 'Mass' will thrill your weary soul.
  • England's winners and losers during a weary winter in Australasia.
  • We'll get to that in a moment. Weary looked at Sunshine

Similar words of "Weary"

Indefatigableअथक, अश्रांत, परिश्रमी, अथाह, मेहनती, उघमी, कर्मशीलल, चिस्त, शक्तिवान

Weary FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Weary is, उबाऊ, घबराया, थका, थकाऊ, सुस्त, हार, उकता देना, ठकाना, उदास, निर्जन.

Similar words for Weary are Drained, Exhausted, Worn-Out.

The Definition of Weary is feeling or showing extreme tiredness.

Activated, Energetic, Lively, are antonyms of the Weary word.

Weary is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4409
  Post Category :  W Letter Words and Meaning