The year 1760 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1760 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1760 in World ⚡

03 JulyThe Maratha army captured Delhi.
27 SeptemberMir Qasim became the Nawab of Bengal.
13 OctoberRussia and Austrian forces withdrew from Germany's capital Berlin.
22 JanuaryThe British defeated the Franciscans in the Battle of Vandiwash.
23 JanuaryThe British defeated the French in the Battle of Vandiwash.
14 JanuaryFrench General Lely handed Puducherry to the British.
16 FebruaryNative American hostages died at Fort Prince George, South Carolina.
20 MarchThe largest fire in the city of Boston destroyed 349 buildings.
10 JuneThe first effective law for medical practice was enacted in New York.
26 JulyAustrian troops captured Fort Glatz Silesia.
15 AugustBattle of Levignaz: Prussia defeated Austria and Russia.
08 SeptemberThe French army surrendered Montreal to General Jeffrey Amherst.
23 OctoberThe first book of Jewish prayer printed in North America.
29 NovemberFrench commandant Bellere surrendered Detroit to Major R. Rogers.
25 DecemberJupiter Hamon, an African American slave published a poem called "An Evening Thought".
20 MarchA fire of unknown cause broke out in Boston, Massachusetts, destroying 349 buildings and leaving more than a thousand people homeless.
27 JuneAnglo-Cheroki War-Cheroki warriors defeated the British Army in the Battle of Ecosi near the present-day Otto, North Carolina, America.
03 JulyThe Maratha army captured Delhi under the leadership of Sadashiv Rao Bhau and Vishwas Rao. Sadashiv Rao Bhau Peshwa was the nephew of Baji Rao I. He served as Sarsenapati of the Maratha army in the third battle of Panipat. He died while fighting in the third battle of Panipat. Vishwas Rao Balaji was the eldest son of Baji Rao, who was the Peshwa of Pune of the Maratha Empire and also the successor of the Peshwa of the Maratha Empire. He died during the period of the most extreme battle in the third war of Panipat
25 OctoberGeorge III became the king of Great Britain and Ireland.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1760 in India ⚡


Famous People's Birthdays in 1760 😀

03 JanuaryVeerapandiya Kattabomman / Ruler / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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  Post Category :  18th Century History