The year 1786 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1786 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1786 in World ⚡

08 AugustThe US Congress accepted the silver dollar and the decimal system for currency.
13 FebruaryAbraham Baldwin was elected president of the University of Georgia.
01 MayThe wedding of Mozart's opera Vivah premiered in Vienna.
10 JuneAn earthquake in China's Sijuan province broke the dam on the Dadu River, killing one million people.
29 JulyThe first newspaper was published in the West's Alleghany, Pitts Gadget.
01 AugustCaroline Herschel discovered a comet, the first discovery by a woman.
26 SeptemberEden Accord: A commercial treaty was signed between the states of Great Britain and France.
20 OctoberThe first astronomical expedition was conducted at Harvard University America.
07 NovemberThe Staughton Music Society, the oldest music organization in the United States, was founded.
04 DecemberMission Santa Barbara was founded by Padre Fermin Lassuen as the tenth part of the Spanish mission in California.
01 MayThe Wolf of the Marriage of Figaro, an Opera Bafa, composed by Wolfgang Amaidus Mozart, was premiered in Vienna's Burgtheter.
08 AugustMichael-Gabriel Pacard and Jacks Balmat completed the first climb of Mont Blanc in the Alps, which was a task that is considered the center of modern mountaineering.
11 AugustCaptain Francis Light founded the British colonial of Pinang, which had more British participation in Mallya.
29 AugustUnder the leadership of Daniel shares, the disgruntled peasants in WesternMaisachusetts, US, who were angry with high tax burden and dissatisfaction, began the Sase Rebellion.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1786 in India ⚡

12 SeptemberLord Cornwallis became the Governor General of India.
06 JanuaryThe outer bound East Indian Halswell was wrecked on a storm off the south coast of England, leaving only 74 of the 240 survivors.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1786 😀


Historical Events by Month 📅

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  Post Category :  18th Century History