The year 1799 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1799 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1799 in World ⚡

04 MayTipu Sultan, the ruler of Mysore, was killed by the British at the age of 48 by deception in Srirangapatna, Karnataka.
07 JulyMaharaja Ranjit Singh captured Lahore.
09 NovemberAfter leading the coup against the government, Napoleon Bournaparte declared himself the dictator of France.
14 DecemberAmerica's first President George Washington died. He was unanimously elected President of the United States.
18 DecemberThe body of the first President of the United States of America George Washington was buried at Mount Vernon.
09 JanuaryBritish Prime Minister William Pitt introduced income tax to raise money for the war against young Napoleon.
13 FebruaryThe first American insurance law was passed by the Massachusetts legislature.
29 MarchA law was passed in New York aimed at gradually ending slavery in the state.
16 AprilNapoleon Wars: Battle of Mount Tabor - Napoleon used to drive Ottoman Turks across the Jordan River near Ecker Sek.
27 MayWar of Winterthur: The Hobsberg army secured control of north-east Switzerland from the French army of the Danube.
22 JuneBritain and Russia decided to invade the Republic of Batapace.
12 JulyRanjit Singh took possession of Lahore from Bhangi Misl, an important step towards establishing the Sikh Empire and becoming Maharaja of Punjab.
27 AugustSecond Coalition War: Anglo-Russian invasion of Holland - Britain and Russia, had sent an expedition to the Batavian Republic.
01 SeptemberThe Bank of Manhattan Company opened in New York City.
12 OctoberJanné Genevieve Lubrosse became the first woman to jump from a balloon with a parachute from a height of 900 meters.
09 NovemberNapoleon Bonaparte became dictator of France.
14 DecemberGeorge Washington, the first President of the United States, died in Mount Vernon, Virginia.
27 MayThe Second Alliance-Austrian Army war defeated French and captured the city of Switzerland, strategically important.
15 JulyFrench soldiers opened Rosetta Stone in Fort Zulienne near Egyptian port city of Rashid.
15 JulyFrench soldiers opened Rosetta Stone in Fort Zulienne near Egyptian port city of Rashid.
30 AugustThe Anglo-Russian invasion of Holland-A squadron Ang-Batavian Republic surrendered to the royal navy without a fight near Wirringan.
12 OctoberWhen she landed at 900 meters (3,000 ft) from a hot air balloon, Janeviv Labrase became the first woman to create the appearance jump (artwork painted).
08 NovemberEmmanuel Joseph Sires and Napoleon's 18 Bummaire's coup removed the French government, replacing the directory with a consulat.
10 DecemberFrance became the first country to adopt the system for weight and measures.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1799 in India ⚡

12 JulyMaharaja Ranjit Singh conquered Lahore and became the Maharaja of Punjab. He is known as the ruler of five rivers. He was about to establish the Sikh state in the Indian subcontinent. He defeated Bhangi Masal for Lahore.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1799 😀


Historical Events by Month 📅

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  Post Category :  18th Century History