The year 1803 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1803 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1803 in World ⚡

14 SeptemberBritish general Lord Lake captured Delhi during the Second Anglo-Maratha War.
01 JanuaryThe first edition of Alexander Balthazar Laurent Grimod de la Reniere's Almanach des Gourmand was published in Paris, the first guide to restaurant cooking.
24 FebruaryMoberry v. Madison: The Supreme Court of the United States established the doctrine of judicial review.
01 MarchOhio was accepted as the 17th state of the United States.
30 AprilLouisiana Purchase Made by the United States from France.
18 MayGreat Britain started a war on France, after which France was not allowed to withdraw from Dutch territory, which led to the war with Napoleon.
26 JulyDue to the first public railway line in England, the Wagonway opened between Wandsworth and Croydon.
20 SeptemberThe Irish rebel Robert Emmett was executed.
20 OctoberThe US Senate ratified the Louisiana Purchase Treaty, repeating the size of the United States.
18 NovemberBattle of Verteres: Haiti forces defeated Napoleon's army led by Jean-Jacques Desalines.
20 DecemberFrench flag The formal transfer of the Louisiana Purchase in New Orleans from France to the US for $ 27m. Happened in
24 FebruaryThe U.S. Supreme Court, in Marbury v. Madison, declared an actof Congress unconstitutional for the first time, forming the basis ofjudicial review in the U.S.
30 AprilThe United States bought France's claim for Louisianatery (depicted the flag -lifting ceremony) for 78 million francs, orphan compared to US $ 0.03 per acre.
23 SeptemberOne of the decisive battle of the second Anglo-Maratha war, the Maratha soldiers were beaten by the British Army in the battle of Athaye.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1803 in India ⚡

23 SeptemberThe British East India Company defeated the Maratha army in the Battle of Assay.
30 DecemberThe East India Company of Britain controlled Delhi, Agra and Bharuch.
03 AugustSecond Anglo-Maratha War started against Scindia of British Gwalior.
23 SeptemberBattle of Asaar India): The British led party defeated the Maratha army.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1803 😀


Historical Events by Month 📅

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