The year 1808 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1808 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1808 in World ⚡

06 JuneNapoleon's brother Joseph was made king of Spain.
22 NovemberThomas Cook, founder of the world's famous travel company Thomas Cook & Sons, was born.
22 JanuaryBragansa, a Portuguese royal family escaping from the French army, came to Brazil.
21 FebruaryFinnish War: Russian soldiers crossed the border into Finland without declaring war.
13 MarchAfter the death of Christian VII, Frederick VI became king of Denmark, the very next day Denmark declared war on Sweden.
06 AprilJohn Jacob Astor incorporated the American Fur Company.
03 MayFinnish War: The fort of Swaberg was lost from Sweden to Russia.
22 JulyThe French general DuPont surrendered to the Spanish irregular forces after the Battle of Belen.
10 AugustThe troops under Karl von Dobellen defeated a Russian attack at Kahोजjoki.
21 AugustBattle of Vimeiro: British troops under Sir Arthur Wellesley defeated the French under General Jean-Andoch Junot.
29 SeptemberA dispute between Swedish and Russian troops was announced in Finland; It ended on 19 October.
15 NovemberMahmud II 1808–1839) Mustafa IV 1807–1808) was chosen as the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire.
23 NovemberBattle of Tudela: French Marshal Lens defeated a Spanish army.
20 DecemberThe original Covent Garden Theater in London was destroyed by fire, along with most of the scenery, costumes and scripts.
01 JanuaryAs a result of the lobbying effort by the Abolitionist Movement, the importation of slaves into the United States was officially banned, although slavery it self was not yet abolished.
12 JanuaryJohn Rennie scheme to defend St Mary's Church, Recover, from coastal erosion was abandoned in favour of demolition, despite the church being an exemplar of Anglo-Saxon architecture.
26 JanuaryGovernor of New South Wales William Bligh was deposed by the New South Wales Corps in the only successful armed takeover of government in Australia's recorded history.
19 MarchCharles IV of Spain abdicated in favor of his son, Ferdinand VII.
06 AprilJohn Jacob Estore founded the American Fur Company, which is the center of profit that will make him the first multi-millionaire of the United States.
15 JuneJoseph Bonaparte became the king of Spain. Joseph-Napoleon Bonaparte was the elder brother of Napoleon Bonaparte, who made him the king of Naples and Sicily (1806–1808), and later the king of Spain. After the collapse of Napoleon, Joseph gave himself the style of COTE de Sir Villiers.
08 JulyJoseph Bonaparte approved the Beon law, a royal charter that was chosen as the basis of his rule as the king of Spain.
08 JulyJoseph Bonaparte approved the Beon law, a royal charter that was formed the basis for his rule as the king of Spain during the peninsular war.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1808 in India ⚡


Famous People's Birthdays in 1808 😀


Historical Events by Month 📅

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  Post Category :  19th Century History