The year 1822 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1822 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1822 in World ⚡

07 SeptemberBrazil gained independence from the authority of Portugal. Today was declared as the National Day of Brazil.
30 NovemberEdward Jonze, a British physician and smallpox vaccine, died.
10 AugustA devastating earthquake in Syria killed 20,000 people.
24 FebruaryThe world's first Swami Narayan temple was inaugurated in Ahmedabad.
09 MarchCharles Egg Graham patented fake teeth for the first time.
13 JanuaryThe design of the country's modern flag was adopted by the National Assembly of Greece for their first naval flag in Epidador.
24 FebruaryThe first Swaminarayan temple, Kalpur Swaminarayan temple in Ahmedabad was inaugurated in the British Raj.
09 MarchCharles Graham of New York granted the first US patent for denture.
01 MayJohn Phillips became the first Mayor of Boston.
26 May116 people died in a fire at the Gru Church, the largest fire disaster in Norway's history.
16 JuneDenmark Vesey led a slave rebellion in South Carolina.
31 JulyThe last public hanging in Edinburgh.
12 AugustSt. David's College was founded in modern day University of Wales, Lampeter) Wales by Bishop Thomas Burgess of St. Wales.
07 SeptemberBrazil declared its independence from Portugal.
12 OctoberPedro-I of Brazil was declared the Constitutional Emperor of Brazil.
19 NovemberNearly 200 people died from an earthquake near Valparaiso in Chile, causing a tsunami and extending the coastal region.
01 DecemberPedro-I was crowned as the first emperor of Brazil.
13 JanuaryThe design of the current flag of Greece was adopted by the First National Assembly at Epidaurus for their naval flag.
30 MarchThe United States merged East Florida and West Florida into the Florida Territory.
31 MarchGreek War of Independence—Ottoman troops began a massacre of over 20,000 Greeks on the island of Chios.
31 MarchOttoman troops of the Greek War of Independence began a massacre of over 20,000 people on the island of Chios.
26 MayThe deadliest fire in Norway's history took place in a Churchin Grue in Norway, with at least 113 deaths.
27 SeptemberIn a letter to the Paris Academy Day inscription at Bells-Congress, the Jean-Francois champion announced his initial successes for Roseta Stone.
31 OctoberThe first Mexican Empire Emperor Agustin de Entarbide dissolved the Mexican Congress and replaced it with only one military janta.
31 OctoberThe first Mexican Empire Emperor Agustin de Entarbide dissolved the Mexican Congress and replaced it only with a military jute for him.
08 NovemberThe USS Elegator included three maritime scholars from the coast of Cuba in an anti-piracy operation of West Indies.
01 DecemberPedro I were formally crowned the first Emperor of Brazil, seven weeks after his reign began on 12 October.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1822 in India ⚡

24 FebruaryThe first Swaminarayan temple, Swaminarayan Mandir in present-day Ahmedabad, India, was inaugurated.
01 JulyDaily newspaper 'Mumbai -concert' was published. The Bombay convention is the oldest published newspaper in India. Established by Fardunji Marzban, it was published in Gujarati and English. It was made of three small quarto sheets with a complement of half a sheet. It had fourteen pages of printed substances.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1822 😀


Historical Events by Month 📅

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