The year 1831 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1831 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1831 in World ⚡

21 JulyBelgium gained independence from the Netherlands and Leopold became the first king.
20 SeptemberThe first steam-powered bus was built. Gordon Branz was the inventor of this bus with a capacity of 30 people and running very slow.
13 NovemberScottish physicist and mathematician Maxwell was born.
24 NovemberBritish physicist Michael Ferrede discovered electricity.
09 AugustSteam engine trains ran for the first time in America.
29 AugustMichael Faraday of Britain performed the Elektr Transformer for the first time.
22 JanuaryEminent biologist Charles Darwin graduated.
07 FebruaryThe European country, Belgium, accepted the constitution.
19 MarchFirst Bank Robbery in America, $ 245,000 robbery at Citibank, New York, USA.
08 AprilThe famous social reformer Raja Ram Maehan Roy reached England.
01 JanuaryWilliam Lloyd Garrison began publishing the liberator, the slaveryist newspaper in Boston.
02 FebruaryPope Gregory XVI was elected as the 254th Pope in place of Pope Pius VII.
10 MarchFrench Foreign Legion was established.
16 MarchThe Hutchback of Notre-Dame was first published by Victor Hugo.
08 AprilThe famous social reformer Raja Ram Mohan Roy reached England.
04 JuneLeopold van Saxon-Coburg was elected as King of Belgium by the National Congress.
01 JulyAdmiral James C. Ross reaches magnetic north pole
02 AugustThe Netherlands army captured Belgium after a campaign of ten days.
08 SeptemberWilliam IV was crowned King of Great Britain.
29 OctoberThe British Parliament's decision to reform the vote led to the Bristol riots in 1831, delaying the construction of the Clifton Suspension Bridge.
07 NovemberThe slave trade was forbidden in Brazil).
31 DecemberValedictory transfer to Grammaris Park in New York City).
12 AprilThe Barotan Suspension Bridge in Manchester, England collapsed, allegedly in step due to a mechanical resonance inspired by soldiers on the bridge.
01 JuneBritish naval officer and explorer James Clarke Ross successfully led the campaign to reach the North Magnetic Pole.
21 JulyIn Brussels, Leopold I were inaugurated as the first king of Belgium.
21 AugustNet Turner led a slave rebellion in Southampton County, Virginia, America, suppressed after about 48 hours.
29 AugustMichael Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction, making Faraday's rule of induction.
08 SeptemberWilliam IV of Sax-Meningen and Adelaide were crowned the United Kingdom of Great Britain and King of Ireland.
08 SeptemberThe Russian Empire carried out the Polish November rebellion when its soldiers captured Warsaw after a two -day attack.
15 SeptemberJohn Bull is the world's oldest operator Steam Locomotive, who first ran on Camden and Ombre Rail in New Jersey.
09 OctoberThe state's Greek chief Ionis Cupodistriece was murdered by Nasfinian.
22 NovemberFollowing a bloody battle with the army due to 600 casualties, rebel silk workers seized Lyon, France, which started the first cannutrovelt.
27 DecemberAIIMS's HMS Beagle, Charles Darwin left Plymouth, England, became a historic campaign for South America which made his name a naturalist.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1831 in India ⚡

03 JanuarySavitri Bai Phule, India's first female teacher was born in Satara, Maharashtra.
24 FebruaryThe Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek between the Choctaw and the United States government, the first removal treaty carried into effect under the Indian Removal Act, was proclaimed.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1831 😀

03 JanuarySavitribai Phule / Educationist / India
03 JanuarySavitribai Phule / Poet / India
03 JanuarySavitribai Phule / Writer / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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