The year 1841 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1841 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1841 in World ⚡

30 SeptemberThe famous American scientist Samuel Slocum patented the 'Stapler'.
17 JanuaryBritish climber George Everest discovered the world's highest peak. This peak was also named Everest after this.
20 JanuaryIn the First Opium War, China handed over Hong Kong to Britain.
27 MarchThe first steam fire engine was successfully tested in New York.
26 AprilThe Bombay Gadget newspaper was first published on silk cloth.
27 JanuaryErebus, an active volcano in Antarctica, was discovered and established under the name James Clark Ross.
10 FebruaryThe British North America Act, 1840), the Union Act, was announced in Canada.
04 MarchWilliam Henry Harrison was sworn in as the ninth President of the United States.
06 AprilPresident John Tyler was sworn in.
22 MayRevolt in Guria in 1841: The Georgia province of Guria started a revolt against the Russian Empire.
21 JuneFordham University was founded by The Bronx by the Society of Jesus, hence the name St. John's College.
05 JulyThomas Cook arranged his first railway excursion in England.
16 AugustThe us Chairman John Tyler opposed a bill that went to the re-establishment of the Second Bank of the United States, rioting members of the outraged White House outside the White House in the most violent demonstration on the White House grounds in American history.
07 OctoberQueen's University, established by Thomas Liddell in the Rev. City of Kingston, Ontario, acting as the Royal Charter of Queen Victoria, became the first principal of the school.
12 NovemberThe city of Texas was founded by John Nellie Bryan.
23 DecemberFirst Anglo-Afghan War: In a meeting with Afghan General Akbar Khan, British diplomat Sir William Hay McNaughton was shot dead.
26 JanuaryCommodore Sir James Bremer raised the Union Jack at Possession Point and formally claimed Hong Kong as a colony for the British Empire.
04 AprilWilliam Henry became the first US President to die at the Harrison Office, 32 days in his tenure, a brief constitutional crisis about the President's succession questions which were unanswered by the US Constitution.
28 JuneGisle, a ballet of French musician Adolf Adam, was ranked first in Paris Theater Day L 'Akademi Royale de Musk.
18 JulySince 1831, Brazil's last emperor Pedro II ruled, acclaimed, crown and consecrated.
16 OctoberThe Church of Scotland established the Queen's College in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
13 NovemberScottish surgeon James Brad observed a performance of veterinaryism, which inspired him to study the subject, which he eventually called.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1841 in India ⚡


Famous People's Birthdays in 1841 😀


Historical Events by Month 📅

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  Post Category :  19th Century History