The year 1846 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1846 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1846 in World ⚡

05 JuneTelegraph line debuts between Philadelphia and Baltimore in the US.
10 SeptemberThe famous scientist Elias Howe patented the sewing machine.
15 SeptemberJung Bahadur Rana came to power in Nepal.
23 SeptemberGottfried Galah, along with Ally Heinrich, first saw the planet Neptoon from a telescope.
30 SeptemberAmerican Dentist Dr. William Morton first used 'Anesthetic ether' to remove the patient's teeth.
10 OctoberBritish astronomer William LaSalle discovered Neptune's natural satellite.
16 NovemberAkbar Allahabad, a famous Urdu poet, was born in Bara near Uttar Pradesh's Allahabad district.
28 JanuaryIn the Battle of Aliwal, the British army defeated Ranjodh Singh's army.
09 FebruaryGerman engineer Wilhelm Maybach was born who started the luxury car brand Maybach.
10 FebruaryThe British defeated the Sikhs at the Battle of Sobraon.
20 FebruaryThe British captured Lahore.
28 JanuaryThe British defeated the Sikhs of Punjab at the Battle of Allwal.
25 AprilMexican-American War: Open conflict erupted with border disputes over Texas borders.
13 MayMexican-American War: The United States declared war on Mexico.
15 JuneLassenston Church Grammar School opened in Tasmania for the first time.
18 AugustGeneral Stephen W. Cairney's US forces captured Santa Fe, New Mexico.
15 SeptemberNepal was captured by Jung Bahadur Rana.
28 October82 people died in the Pioneer Sierra Nevada blizzard.
28 DecemberIowa became the 29th state of the United States.
31 JanuaryAfter having come to blows over the construction of a bridge,the citizens of two neighboring towns united to form the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
20 FebruaryPolish insurgents led an uprising in the Free City of Krakówto incite a fight for national independence that was put down by the Austrian Empire nine days later.
25 AprilAn open struggle began between the military forces of the United States and Mexico, which was to the disputed border of Texas and the south of the Nuul River in the north of Rio Grande, which later proved to be the primary justification for the Mexican-American war.
11 MayUnder the leadership of George Donor, the American leading group known as the Donor Party, fully known for cannibalism, got stuck in Sierra Newadas, leaving Missouri, for the Whint California.
13 MayThe United States announced the war on Mexico following a series of several controversies in view of the 1845 American Anexus in Texas, launching a Mexican-American War.
16 JuneThe Pope Conclave of 1846 selects Pope Payas IX, which ruins the longest in the history of sinners. Pope Pius IX was born from Gioni Maria Mastai-Free, who ruled from 1878 till his death from 16 June 1846. He was the longest ruling Pope in the history of the Catholic Church - over 31 years.
16 JuneGiovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti was chosen as Pius IX (Fig.
19 JuneThe first officially recorded baseball game was played by Alexander Cartright in the Hobback of New Jersey, USA.
28 JuneBelgian shehnai player Adolf Sachs found a patent for saxophone.
07 JulyThe Mexican-American war-American forces were led by Commodore Johndy. Slot captured Montere, began California's announcement.
07 JulyMexican-American War: Commodore John. Under the leadership of Slit, American forces captured Montere, starting the Annexation of California.
19 SeptemberTwo French shepherds, Melania Calvat and Meximinagirod, experienced a marian position on a mountaineering near Lala Salat, France, now known as our Lady of La Salat.
23 SeptemberUsing mathematical predictions by French mathematician Urban Lelear, German astronomer Johann Gotfrid Galle became the first person to inspect Neptune and identify it as an unknown unknown planet.
10 OctoberThe English astronomer William Lasel discovered Triton, the largest moon in the planet Neptune.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1846 in India ⚡

16 FebruaryThe Sobrian war brought an end to the Sikh war in India.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1846 😀

08 SeptemberPaul Chater / Politician / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  8466
  Post Category :  19th Century History