The year 1847 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1847 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1847 in World ⚡

08 MayRobert W. to rubber tires Thompson got patented.
12 MayWilliam Clayton invented the odometer.
20 JulyGerman astronomer Theodore discovered the comet Brorsen-Metkoff.
10 SeptemberThe United States opened the first theater in the Hawaiian Islands, located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
12 NovemberBritish physician Sir James Young Simpson used chloroform for the first time as an anesthetic.
04 FebruaryAmerica's first telegraph company was established in Maryland.
11 FebruaryAlva Edison was born to give the world many unique things due to her sharp mind.
03 MarchAlexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, was born.
10 MarchThe first coin was minted in Hawaii.
28 AprilGeorge b Vation became the first black citizen to go to New York court in the United States.
01 JanuaryThe publication of Neath's current newspaper in Harlem began.
25 FebruaryState University of Iowa received approval.
01 MarchThe death penalty was formally abolished in the state of Michigan.
15 AprilLawrence School Sanwar was established.
05 MayThe Architectural Association School of Architecture was established in London.
01 JuneThe first Congress Party of the Communist League was held in London.
01 JulyThe United States published its first postage stamps).
20 AugustAmerican soldiers defeated Mexican soldiers at the Battle of Churubusco.
30 SeptemberVegetarian Society formed in Great Britain.
12 OctoberGerman inventor and industrialist Werner von Siemens founded Siemens AG and Halske Ko.
12 NovemberSir James Young Simpson, a British physician, was the first physician to use chloroform as an anesthetic.
21 DecemberAmir Abdelkader surrendered and was imprisoned by the French.
04 JanuaryAmerican gun inventor Samuel Colt made his first large sale of his revolvers to the Texas Rangers.
30 JanuaryThe town of Yerba Buena in Mexican California was renamed San Francisco.
23 FebruaryMexican–American War-The United States Army used heavyartillery to repulse the much larger Mexican army at the Battle of BuenaVista near Saltillo, Coahuila.
09 MarchMexican–American War-The Siege of Veracruz began, the firstlarge-scale amphibious assault conducted by United States militaryforces.
05 AprilThe first citizen of Britain was opened in Public Park, Birkenhead, Mercesis, Birconhead Park.
16 AprilWars of New Zealand-A minor Maori chief accidentally shot by Bayer Junior British Army Officer to launch the Wanganui campaign in Petre Basti of New Zealand.
18 AprilThe United States of Mexican-American War-Vinfield Scott fired Santa Anna's large Mexican army from a strong position in the Battle of Sereno Gordo.
11 JuneAfso died at the age of two, leaving his father Pedro II, the last emperor of Brazil, without a male heir.
11 SeptemberStephen Foster's 'Oh! Suzana '(Audio Ficard), who is once one of the famous American songs written, which was a premiere at a concert at an Anis Cream shop in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
12 OctoberA German inventor Vonner Von Siemens founded Siemens and Halske, which later became Siemens AG, the largest engineering company in Europe.
04 NovemberScottish physician James Young Simpson discovered the white beauty properties of the chloroform.
29 NovemberAbout a dozen people were killed by the Oregon Missionaries Marcus and Narcisa Whitman by spewing the Cusecators and Umatla natives by American tribes.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1847 in India ⚡

01 OctoberAnne Besant, a member of the Theosophical Society, who played a major role in India's freedom movement, was born in London.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1847 😀

01 OctoberAnnie Besant / Politician / England
01 OctoberAnnie Besant / Socialist / India
01 OctoberDr. Annie Besant / Author / India
01 OctoberMrs. Annie Besant / Socialist / India
05 AprilRahimtulla Sayani / Politician / India
23 SeptemberAnandamohan Bose / Social Reformer / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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