The year 1866 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1866 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1866 in World ⚡

11 JuneAllahabad High Court was established. It was formerly known as Agra High Court.
28 JulyIn the US, the use of the metric system for metering was legalized.
15 OctoberA massive fire broke out in 2500 Canadian houses in Quebec, a French-dominated region of Canada.
11 JanuaryIn England, 220 people died after being hit by the storm 'Steamer London'.
02 MarchThe needle company Excelsior began sewing machine needles.
19 MarchThe intruder vessel sank at Monarch Leverpull, killing 738 people.
18 JanuaryWesley College was established in Melbourne.
26 FebruaryThe New York Legislature created the Neek Metropolitan Board of Health.
28 MarchThe first ambulance was prepared for service.
08 AprilThe states of Italy and Persia formed an alliance against the Austrian Empire.
02 MayBattle of Callao: Peru's fighters fought the Spanish fleet.
20 JuneKingdom of Italy declares war against Austria
01 JulyThe first constitution of Romania was introduced.
23 AugustThe Treaty of Prague ended the Ostro-Prussian War.
01 SeptemberPublished the first Hawaiian daily newspaper.
15 OctoberViolent fire destroyed 2,500 homes in Quebec.
20 NovemberHoward University was founded in Washington, DC)
18 DecemberWooster's College established in Ohio.
18 JanuaryWesley College, the largest school in Australia by enrolment, was established in Melbourne.
25 FebruaryMiners in Calaveras County, California, discovered a humanskull that a prominent geologist claimed was proof (later disproven)that humans had existed during the Pliocene age.
06 AprilThe Grand Army of the Republic, a brother -in -law, was made up of the American Army veterans, who served in the US Civil War, was founded in Decatur, Illinois.
02 JuneFanian raid-the-ridway fight, first place in Ontario to lead by Canadian soldiers and lead by Canadian officials.
02 JuneFenion raids - The battle of the ridway, first fought by Canadian soldiers and especially led by Canadian officials, took place in Ontario.
28 JulyAt the age of 18, Vinny Reem became the first and youngest artist to receive a statue from the United States government, the statue of Abraham Lincoln in Capital Rotunda, USA.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1866 in India ⚡

11 JuneThe Agra High Court was established in India. The High Court was established in 1834 but was shifted to Agra within a year. It was originally established by the High Court of India Act 1861 as the court of the High Court on 17 March 1866 for the northwest provinces in Agra.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1866 😀

09 MayGopal Krishna Gokhale / Politician / India
09 MayGopal Krishna Gokhale / Freedom Fighter / India
09 MayGopal Krishna Gokhale / Politician / India
15 NovemberCornelia Sorabji / Lawyer / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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