The year 1876 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1876 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1876 in World ⚡

09 OctoberScottish scientist Alexander Graham Bell and his colleague Thomas Watson first had a long telephone conversation. There was a distance of two miles between the two.
07 NovemberRutherford B. Hayes was elected the 19th President of the United States.
20 DecemberThe great poet Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay composed the national anthem 'Vande Mataram'.
25 DecemberMohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan and called Kaeda Azam, was born in Karachi.
10 MarchThe American inventor Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, and to this day, the first successful telephone conversation took place between Graham Bell and his colleague Watson.
01 JanuaryThe Bass Brewery Red Triangle became the world's first registered trademark symbol.
22 FebruaryJohns Hopkins University was founded in Baltimore.
20 MarchTaking legal effect through constitutional reform, Louis de Geyer became the first Prime Minister of Sweden.
17 AprilFriends Academy was founded by Gideon Frost in Locust Valley New York.
30 JuneSerbia declared war with Turkey.
03 JulyMontenegro declared war with Turkey.
14 AugustColorado was accepted as the 38th US state.
19 SeptemberA football club was established in Ottawa.
26 OctoberThe American Library Association was established in Philadelphia.
23 NovemberPorfirio Díaz was made President of Mexico.
23 DecemberThe first constitution of Turkey was declared.
14 FebruaryInventor Alexander Graham Bell and electrical engineer ElishaGray each filed a patent for the telephone, starting a controversy aboutwho invented it first.
22 FebruaryThe Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland , named after philanthropist Johns Hopkins, who gave the largest philanthropic bequest in U.S. history for its foundation, opened.
22 FebruarySwedish women Karolina Olsson went to sleep and purportedly fell into a state of hibernation for the next 32 years.
10 MarchAlexander Graham Bell made his first successful bi-directional telephone call, saying, 'Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you.'
17 JuneLakota Sioux and Cheyenne's Great Siox War-A Band attacked the United States Army campaign and its Crow and Shoson colleagues at the Rosebade Battle.
02 AugustAmerican legal bill Hicock was assassinated during a Pokargeme in Dakota Territory Deadwood.
31 AugustAbdul Hameed II became the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire when Habdar Murad V was removed.
04 OctoberTexas A&M; The university was opened as the first public educational institution in the state of Texas, USA.
01 NovemberThe New Zealand colony dissolved its nine provinces and turned them into 63 counties.
23 NovemberWilliam 'Boss' tweed, a politician from the city of New York, who was arrested for embezzlement, was handed over to the US authorities until he fled from jail from Spain.
05 DecemberFire Brooklyn occurred at Brooklyn Theater in New York, killing at least 278 people, most of which were due to smoking.
23 DecemberThe Great Powers called the Constantinopal conference with the majority of Bulgarian population in Bosnia and Ottoman regions for political reforms in both countries.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1876 in India ⚡

29 JulyScience organization was established in India.
01 MayQueen Victoria won the India title.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1876 😀

02 AugustPingali Venkayya / Geologist / India
08 AugustVarghese Payyappilly Palakkappilly / Priest / India
25 DecemberMuhammad Ali Jinnah / Politician / India
26 SeptemberGhulam Bhik Nairang / Poet / India
26 DecemberSir Osborne Arkell Smith / Banker / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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  Post Category :  19th Century History