The year 1896 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1896 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1896 in World ⚡

04 MayThe first edition of the Daily Mail newspaper was published in London.
27 MayCzar Nicholas II became the last emperor of Russia.
02 JuneG. Marconi applied for a patent in his name to radio, which was later accepted on July 2, 1897.
15 JuneThe tsunami that followed the earthquake killed about 22,000 people on Japan's Sanricu coast.
10 DecemberAlfred Bernhard Nobel, a Swedish chemist and founder of the Nobel Prize, died.
18 JanuaryFor the first time the X ray machine was brought to the world.
29 JanuarySwami Pranabananda Maharaj, founder of Bharat Seva Ashram Sangh was born.
16 FebruaryThe famous poet, litterateur and writer of Hindi, Suryakant Tripathi Nirala was born.
21 FebruaryThe great poet and writer Suryakant Tripathi Nirala was born.
01 MarchAn experiment by scientist Honory Becquerel revealed what radioactivity is, for the first time.
25 MarchModern Olympic Games begin in Athens, the capital of Greece.
06 AprilThe first modern Olympic Games began in Athens, Greece.
06 JanuaryThe first US women's six-day cycle race began at Madison Square Garden.
04 FebruaryThe International Association for Bridge and Structural Iron Workers was established in Pittsburgh.
09 MarchItalian Prime Minister Francisco Crispi resigned in response to national outrage over the defeat in Adva.
03 AprilThe first edition of the Italian sports newspaper La Gazzetta Dallo Sports was published.
26 MayThe first American interlude was held on Manhattan Beach.
11 JuneThe earthquake in 1896 Sankiru and the tsunami in Japan killed 27,000 people.
01 JulyThe International Socialist Workers and Trade Union Congress opened in London.
15 SeptemberCrash on stunt on crush train wreck conducted in Texas.
01 OctoberGotlib Daimler built the world's first petrol truck.
14 NovemberStarted power plant operation in Niagara Falls.
14 DecemberGlasgow Subway opened the third oldest underground metro world.
01 FebruaryGiacomo Puccini's opera La bohème premiered at the Teatro Regio in Turin, Italy, eventually becoming one of the most frequently performed operas internationally.
01 MarchEthiopia defeated Italy at the Battle of Adwa, ending the First Italo-Ethiopian War.
01 MarchFrench physicist Henri Becquerel discovered the principle of radioactive decay when he exposed photographic plates to uranium.
06 AprilThe first modern Olympic game began in Athens, in which 241 athletes from 14 countries participated in 43 events in nine subjects.
07 AprilAn arctic campaign led by Norwegian explorer Fridesoff Nanseseneric 86 ° 13.6 'n, beyond the previous fartestnorth mark nearly three degrees.
18 MayThe Supreme Court of America has upheld the validity of racial isolation in puberty under the principle of 'separate but equal'. The verdict was given in Ferguson.
27 MaySt. Louis-East St. Louis tunnel, one of the most deadly and most destructive tornadions in American history, St. Louis, Missouri and East St. Louis, Illinois Mara, killed more than 255 people and injured at least 1,000 Gave. Other.
15 JuneThe earthquake of 7.2 intensity in Japan and the subsequent tsunami destroyed around 9,000 houses and killed at least 22,000 people.
09 JulyPolitician William Jennings Bryan created his cross of gold speechheadingwatting bimeatalism, which is one of the greatest political faces of American history.
16 AugustA group led by Scucum Jim Mason discovered gold near Dawsonniti, Yukon, Canada, establishing Clondic Gold Rush.
23 AugustIn the city of Quizone in the modern period, Andres Bonifesio and his Katipun Comrade revolted against the Spanish rule, marking the beginning of the Philippine Revolution.
27 AugustThe United Kingdom and Zanzibar moved to the war, as well as Zanzibarsert less than an hour after the struggle began.
30 AugustIn the Battle of the Philippine Revolution-San Juan del Monte, the actual battle of war, a Catipanon force temporarily captured the magazine before being beaten back by Spanish Garison.
10 DecemberAlfred Zari's play Ubu Roi performed his only performance in Paris, De Luvrey, who caused a riotous response to discredit.
30 DecemberThe Philippine Revolution-Rashtriyaist Jose Rizal was carried out by a goodbye firing squad in Manila when Spanish authorities convicted him of rebellion, treason and conspiracy.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1896 in India ⚡

12 NovemberFamous ornithologist Salim Ali was born in Mumbai by the name of Hubbardman of India.
28 DecemberVande Mataram was sung for the first time at the Calcutta session of the Indian National Congress.
28 FebruaryVande Mataram was sung for the first time at the Calcutta session of the Indian National Congress.
29 FebruaryFormer Prime Minister Morarji Desai was born, Morarji Desai was the sixth Prime Minister of India.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1896 😀

03 MayV K Krishna Menon / Politician / India
01 SeptemberA. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada / Religious Leader / India
02 MayV. K. Krishna Menon / Lawyer / India
03 MayV. K. Krishna Menon / Politician / India
12 NovemberSalim Ali / Author / India
12 NovemberSalim Ali / Scientist / India
14 JanuaryC. D. Deshmukh / Economist / India
14 JanuarySir Chintaman Dwarakanath Deshmukh / Civil Servant / India
20 AugustGostha Pal / Footballer / India
21 FebruaryNirala / Poet / India
21 FebruarySuryakanti Tripathi Nirala / Writer / India
24 FebruaryMorarji Desai / Politician / India
26 FebruaryGopal Swarup Pathak / Politician / India
28 AugustFiraq Gorakhpuri / Poet / India
29 FebruaryMorarji Desai / Politician / India
NA NAJai Gurudev / Religious Guru / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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