Asian Weightlifting Championships 2023

Jeremy Lalrinnunga of India won the silver medal in the men's 67 kg snatch at the Asian Weightlifting Championships 2023 in Jinju, South Korea on May 07, 2023 but failed in all the three attempts in the clean and jerk to not make it to the total.

Jeremy, competing in his first tournament after the 2022 Commonwealth Games, was the only one among 12 lifters not to finish his event. His weight category, however, is not part of the Olympics.

Jeremy equaled his personal best in snatch with a lift of 141 kg and won the silver medal. He failed to lift 165 kg in his first two attempts in the clean and jerk. Youth Olympic champion Jeremy increased the weight to 168 kg for the third attempt but failed to lift it as well. This weight was two kg more than his best performance. Jeremy was only successful twice in six snatch and clean and jerk attempts.

Last update   Last update :  7 May 2023
Last update   News Category :  Sports
Last update   Post Category :  May 2023